Problems related to: 1) Service, 2) Network, 3) Login Verify: Is SQL Service running as a service? a) Master DB Corrupted? b) Model DB Corrupted? c) TempDB path not found? nslookup (name resolution) to SQL Server instance Ping Server IP Do you log in to the windows...
When an IT problem occurs, it should be calm and focused on the problem. ANALYSIS – Steps to follow: Problem time?The problem environment?Number of users who have this problem?When was the last time it worked correctly?What changed in the system before this...
Per te vleresuar nje qender trajnimesh si TCT, ku objektivi kryesor eshte te merren njohuri profesionale ne cdo fushe te teknologjise, duhen konsideruar dy komponente: puna madhore qe behet nga instruktoret per te gjithe studentet, dhe padyshim vete studentet. Jane...
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