About this course
This CompTIA A+ training course from will teach you everything you need to know to prepare for an IT career and successfully complete the CompTIA A+ exam.
You’ll start by learning about PC hardware, including how to configure BIOS, motherboard basics, and various expansion slot types. You will then learn about memory and storage, connectors, cables, and pins. You will learn about laptops, including laptop expansions and displays. This course will teach you the basics of printers, how to manage and install a printer. Finally, you will learn the soft side of computing, the magic of communication, and how to deal with difficult customers.
Once you have completed this computer-based training course, you will have developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the A + exam.
Audience profile
Anyone looking to take and pass the CompTIA A+
Anyone who wants to improve their skills as a computer or IT technician
Anyone who wants to become a system admin and learn awesome stuff about PCs, , networking, IT security and more
250 Euro / 25.000 ALL
- Historiku e kompjuterit personal
- Struktura e Motherboard
- Diagnostikim fizik dhe vizual i Motherboard
- Diagnostikim HDD
- HDD Master-Slave
- Instalim Windows XP
- Instalim Driver
- Krijim User me permition te ndryshme
- Instalim software
- Control Panel option
- Upgrade I sistemit operativ nga Windows Xp ne Windows 7 (me ane te Tools te Microsoft)
- Diferenca e sistemeve te ndryshme operative Windows
- Diferenca e Windows 7 32bit dhe Windows7 64 bit
- Krijim, fshirje i partition
- Shtim I HDD
- Instalimi I driver ne Windows 7
- Krijim user dhe dhenja e ose heqka e te drejtave.
- Shtim ose heqje e Hardware
- Krijim Folder share dhe aksesimi I tyre.
- Control panel I Windows 7
- Upgrade nga Windows 7 home edition ne Windows 7 professional, Windows 7 ultimate etj…
- Formatimi nga USB dhe pergatitja e USB.
- Zgjidhja e problemeve me tool te ndryshem
- Perberja, cmontim, identifikim, testim, montim I Kompjuter Lap Top
- Backup PC \ System Security\Programs\ Network\ hardware etj…
- Nxjerrja e te dhenave nga nje HDD me system operativ te demtuar.
- Instalim printer ne rrjet me IP dhe local.
- Local printer share.
- Lidhja ne rrjet I kompjuterave me ane te switch HUB.
- Internet Cable dhe Crossover Cable
- Klonimi I HDD