About this course
This course covers practical knowledge in: Docker, Kubernetes, CI CD, Azure & Terraform.
DevOps is a methodology in the software development and IT industry. Used as a set of practices and tools, DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development and IT operations as a means for improving and shortening the systems development life cycle.
This DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes.
Audience profile
People from different IT or programming backgrounds can learn DevOps. Even a fresher with basic knowledge of Linux and one scripting language can learn DevOps.
400 Euro / 40.000 ALL
- Docker as OS-level virtualization software, comparison to full
- virtualization
- Basic containerization concepts (container, image, image registry)
- Container isolation
- Explaining some Linux features used in Docker (cgroup, chroot jail and
- others)
- Pros and cons with containerization
- Installing and running Docker locally
- Basic docker commands (run, start, stop). Mounting volumes
- Creating container with working service (e.g. HTTP server)
- Containerization vs virtualization
- Creating Docker images using Dockerfile
- Docker Compose basics
- Creating simple multi-container application using Docker Compose (eg. wordpress + mysql)
- Kubernetes overview
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Understanding the underlying concept of Kubernetes Orchestration
- Designing a kubernetes cluster
- Hardware and underlying infrastructure
- Service running on manage node and minions
- Overview of pods, replication, deployment, service, endpoints
- Deploying the application through PODs
- Building multiple pods with high availability
- Rolling updates of the Pods with the Deployment
- Kubernetes underlying network like overlay network with flannel, etcd etc.,
- Storage types in Kubernetes
- Upgrading Kubernetes components
- Troubleshooting in Kubernetes
- Migrating application (eg. wordpress + mysql) from Docker compose
- to Kubernetes config yaml files
- Ensuring application high availability using orchestration. Rolling updates.
- Scaling application up and down
- Various Kubernetes properties, healthchecks etc.
- Creating helm charts
- StatefulSets, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet
- Ingress
- Network policies
- Scheduling, Cronjobs
- Starting with Kubernetes theoretical knowledge and going into more
- Deploying AKS (Kubernetes) on Azure (with terraform
- Introduction to Microsoft Azure
- Benefits of Cloud computing
- Types of cloud computing
- Cloud Service Models (IaaS,PaaS,&SaaS)
- Create and Manages Azure subscriptions
- Create and manage Resource groups
- Deploying virtual machine from Azure portal.
- Types of Azure storage
- Types of Storage Accounts
- Overview of Virtual Networks
- Creating Virtual networks and subnets
- Setup connectivity to Azure resources
- Creating Network security groups
- Configuring inbound and outbound rule
- overview of Azure PaaS Services
- Creation of Azure SQL DB
- Monitoring server health status
- Creating and configuring alerts using Azure monitor
- Deploying AKS (Kubernetes) on Azure
- What is CI/CD system
- Azure DevOps Organization
- Azure DevOps Project
- Azure Repos
- Agent Pools
- Azure Pipeline
- Creating CI pipeline for .net application
- Installation of Self hosted agent
- Creating CD Pipeline for .net application hosting it on Webapp (Paas)
- Creating CICD pipeline
- Creating CD Pipeline for .net application hosting it on AKS (Containers)
- Infrastructure as Code and IaC tools
- What Is Terraform?
- Terraform Core Concepts
- Terraform Installation
- Terraform Providers
- Terraform Configuration Files
- Getting Started Using Terraform
- Import Existing Infrastructure
- Deploying AKS (Kubernetes) on Azure (with terraform)