About this course
This is an advance level JAVA programming. It has been prepared for JAVA programmers who already have average JAVA knowledge. This is the most advanced JAVA course we offer. This is a web development full stack course. Even though this course covers advanced concepts our instructors simplify learning by guiding students through practical examples demonstrating on the job best practice and simplest solutions. It is important to note that advanced courses include more concept explanation then low level courses. The course is 100% “Hands On”! Practice makes perfect with proper guidance!
Audience profile
SStudents and young professionals who already have JAVA programming knowledge, and some basic database and HTML knowledge. The aim of this course is to take students into a junior level web development profession in JAVA Enterprize Edition with the SPRING framework.
300 Euro / 30.000 ALL
Part1 – Introduction to the spring framework
Session 1
- Quick Java Recap
- How Web Works
- Quick intro into Spring
Session 2
- Git Explanation
- Maven Explanation
- Advanced intro into Spring
- DI (Dependency Injection) in Spring
Session 3
- Spring java configuration
- Spring xml configuration
- Advance Di.
- Quick Intro into AoP (Aspect Oriented Programing).
Session 4
- Advanced Aop.
- Quick Intro into Spring Profiles
- Wrap it all in Demo project for Part1
Part2 – Spring on web
Session 5
- Intro in Spring MVC
- Intro into thyme leaf
- MVC Patter
- Build Spring web app.
Session 6
- Command objects and Spring MVC validations
- Rendering web views
- Build BE dummy data
- Wrap it all in a Thyme leaf Crud example
Session 7
- Advanced Spring MVC concepts
- Spring web flow.
- Securing web app.
- Quick Intro into Junit Test
Session 8
- Form Validations Approaches
- Demo project for part 2
- Login Implementation
- Quick Intro into Spring Security
Part3 – Spring in Back-End
Session 9
- Introduction to Be concepts
- Introduction to Database.
- Database Configuration in Spring
- Working with queries
Session 10
- Introduction to ORM(Object Relation Mapping)
- Hibernate Introduction
- JPA Intro and explanation
- JPA Entity Relationships explanation
Session 11
- JPA && Hibernate Configuration
- Persist Data using ORM
- Unit testing repository layer
- OneToMany and ManyToOne Examples
Session 12
- Spring data JPA Simple examples.
- Demo Project Part 3
- Logg4j and Be best practices
- Wrap of Be module with examples
Part 4 – Spring in BE Advanced && Integrating Spring
Session 13
- Introduction to DAO pattern.
- Examples of Dao patter with predicate Implementation
- Introduction to typed query.
Session 14
- Query Validation
- Query Advanced Search
- Query Lazy loading
- Typed Query advanced Examples
Session 15
- Json vs XMl
- Rest APi with Spring
- Rest Api best Practices
- Rest Api validations
Session 16
- Removing Spring boot
- Spring to spring boot.
- Final Project Requirements explanations
- DB Design Hints.
- Git basic tutorial
Part 5 – Working on final Project
Session 17
- Implementing FE
Session 18
- Implementing BE