Rreth kursit
Kursi është i nivelit mesatar dhe avancuar në gjuhën e programimit JAVA. Kursi është përgatitur për programuesit JAVA që kanë mësuar bazat e programimit nga universiteti ose mësimi autodidakt. Megjithëse ky kurs mbulon koncepte mesatare dhe të avancuara instruktorët tanë e thjeshtësojnë procesin e të mësuarit nëpërmjet shëmbujve praktik dhe praktikave më të mira dhe zgjidhjeve më të thjeshta të përdorura në tregun e punës. Kursi është 100% në praktikë. Vetëm praktika më udhëzimin e duhur do t’ju bëjë programues të zotë dhe të saktë.
Student ose specialist të rinj të cilët zotërojnë aftësi në programim bazë në JAVA. Synimi i kursit është përgatitja e të rinjve për punë dhe avancimi në karrierë.
30.000 Lekë / 300 Euro
INTRO: Object-Oriented Design (OOD) with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Case Study (~4 Sessions)
- Manipulating URLs
- Reading a File on a Web Server
- Establishing a Simple Server Using Stream Sockets
- Establishing a Simple Client Using Stream Sockets
- Client/Server Interaction with Stream Socket Connections
- Connectionless Client/Server Interaction with Datagrams
Accessing Databases with JDBC
- Relational Databases
- Relational Database Overview: The books Database
- Basic SELECT Query
- WHERE Clause
- ORDER BY Clause
- Merging Data from Multiple Tables: INNER JOIN
- INSERT Statement
- UPDATE Statement
- DELETE Statement
- Instructions for installing MySQL and MySQL Connector/J
- Instructions for Setting Up a MySQL User Account
- Connecting to and Querying a Database
- Querying in the Database
- PreparedStatements
- Stored Procedures
- Transaction Processing
Web Applications: Part 1
- Downloading, Installing and Configuring Eclipse and the Sun Java System Application Server
- Simple HTTP Transactions
- Multitier Application Architecture
- Java Web Technologies
- Servlets
- JavaServer Pages
- JavaServer Faces
- Web Technologies in Eclipse
- Creating and Running a Simple Application in Eclipse
- Examining a JSP File
- Examining a Page Bean File
- Event-Processing Life Cycle
- Relationship Between the JSP and Page Bean Files
- Examining the XHTML Generated by a Java Web Application
- Building a Web Application in Eclipse
- JSF Components
- Text and Graphics Components
- Validation Using Validator Components and Custom Validators
JAX-WS Web Services (~6 Sessions)
- Java Web Services Basics
- Creating, Publishing, Testing and Describing a Web Service
- Creating a Web Application Project and Adding a Web Service Class in Eclipse
- Defining a Web Service in Eclipse
- Publishing a Web Service from Eclipse
- Testing a Web Service with Sun Java System Application Server's Tester Web page
- Describing a Web Service with the Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
- Consuming a Web Service
- Creating a Client in Eclipse to Consume an already built Web Service
- Consuming the Web Service
- Session Tracking in Web Services
- Consuming a Database-Driven Web Service from a Web Application
- Configuring Java DB in Eclipse and creating a sample Database
- Creating a Web Application to Interact with the Web Service built above
- Passing an Object of a User-Defined Type to a Web Service
Web Applications: Part 2 (Optional, too advanced imo and idk if there is enough time to deal with it)
- Accessing Databases in Web Applications
- Building a Web Application that Displays Data from a Database
- Modifying the Page Bean File for a simple application built
- Ajax-Enabled JSF Components
- Java BluePrints Component Library
- AutoComplete Text Field and Virtual Forms
- Configuring Virtual Forms
- JSP File with Virtual Forms and an AutoComplete Text Field
- Providing Suggestions for an AutoComplete Text Field
- Using the Google Maps Map Viewer Component in a Web Application
Aftësi bazë në gjuhën e programimit JAVA.
Kursi zhvillohet në 45 orë, ose 18 seanca nga 2.5 orë. Kursi trajnohet në gjuhën Shqipe ose Angleze. Materialet didaktike shpërndahen të gjitha online.