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Social Media Marketing & Google Ads

About this course

The digital marketing course at Tirana Center of Technology is designed to lead you towards a career in social media planning & strategy, content marketing, SEO and online advertising, equipping you with the skills a new specialist must have to perform their digital marketing job like a professional. This course includes training in google ads and analytics. Google being the main online search engine is a must know advertising platform for every one. Course duration is seven weeks.

Audience profile

Anyone wanting to become a digital marketer can become one, although some personal traits are important. Marketing spirit, an eye for the beautiful, careful to details, enjoying to work with people. This training does not require a university major but if you do have one, based on our experience students in social majors and linguistics are more likely to attend this course.


175 Euro / 17.500 ALL

At course completion

The digital marketing course is made of two parts, the social media marketing and google ads. At the end of our practical training you will learn the following concepts.

Social Media Marketing

  • Building a marketing plan and strategy
  • Post calendar and techniques in social media: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn
  • Understanding Copy writing an important aspect of the online materials and production
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with focus on Google
  • Introduction to Canva – creating images
  • Email marketing & Reporting

Google Ads

  • Largest online advertising platform, Google AdWords and Google Networks.
  • Google marketing campaigns: Search network, Display network and more.
  • Google AdSense & Analytics
  • More on Search Engine Optimization with focus on Google
  • Real projects/advertisement campaigns
Digital Marketing - Social Media Manager
  1. Marketing Strategy
  2. Building a marketing plan
  3. Post calendar
  4. Copywriting
  5. Social Media
    1. Instagram
    2. Facebook
    3. Youtube
    4. Twitter
    5. LinkedIn
    6. SEO
  6. Introduction to Canva - creating images
  7. Email marketing
  8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO basics)
  9. Reporting
Google Ads & Analytics

2.1 Google AdWords

2.1.1 Introduction to Google AdWords and Google Networks

2.1.2 Google Search Network

2.1.3 Google Display Network

2.1.4 Being Google certified (Google Partner)

2.2 Introduction to AdWords Dashboard

2.3 Understanding how AdWords is organized

2.3.1 Account Layer, Campaign Layer, Ad groups Layer, Ads

2.4 Payment Methods

2.4.1 Bid vs Budget

2.4.2 Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per thousand Impression (CPM), Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

2.5 Creating your first Campaign

2.5.1 Creating a Google Search Campaign

2.5.2 Creating a Google Search with Display Select Campaign

2.5.3 Understanding Keywords and Keyword Types

2.6 Choosing your Keywords (keyword planner tool and other tools)

2.6.1 Targeting your territory, language, topic etc.

2.6.2 Understanding and Writing Ad Headline 1, Headline 2 and Description

2.7 Google Ranking

2.7.1 Google Quality Score (QS)

2.7.2 CTR (Click Through Rate)

2.7.3 ROI/ROAS etc.

2.8 AdWords Statistics

2.8.1 Generating Custom Reports

2.9 Google AdSense

2.9.1 Introduction to Google AdSense

2.9.2 How can we generate money through AdSense?

2.10 Creating an account

2.10.1 Criteria’s to qualify as a part of AdSense network

2.10.2 Applying to connect your website/blog with AdSense

2.11 Google Analytics

2.11.1 Introduction to Google Analytics

2.11.2 Understanding basics of GA: Visitors/Visits/Pageviews/Bounce Rate

2.12 Creating an account

2.12.1 Creating an account in GA platform and configuring your website to measure

traffic through a plugin.

2.12.2 Introduction to Google Analytics dashboard

2.12.3 Viewing Real Time and Audience Statistics for your website/blog

2.12.4 Understanding Analytics Layers: Account Layer, Property Layer, View Layer

2.12.5 Creating Goals and Filters for your website

2.12.6 Generating Custom Reports for a chosen period of time.

2.13 SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

2.13.1 Introduction to SEO, the pros and cons

2.13.2 Best SEO strategy

2.14 SEO Setup for your website

2.14.1 Building SEO Snippets for every page or post on your website through a


2.14.2Configuring Yoast SEO

2.14.3 Understanding headlines, keywords and description

2.14.4 Keyword searches

2.14.5 Site Audits

2.14.6 Ranking factors

2.14.7 URL structure

Additional Reading: To help you prepare for this class, instructor will make available additional online resources.

There are no prerequisites to become a digital marketer. It’s about desire and focus.

The length of this course is 35 hours.
This course is held in the evenings twice a week from 2.5 hours each session. Course is taught in Albanian or English language. All training materials are distributed online.

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